About Us

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Shwethaashwa Renewables is an entity in the Renewable energy sector specifically dealing with Solar Products and Solar Turnkey Solutions.

This firm has been set up with an intention of becoming a medium to bring a difference to society and pave way for a Greener and pollution-free planet Earth by setting up and providing affordable and renewable clean energy products to everyone, believing in the Principle

“Change can be initiated by an Individual but to completely change and obtain the result everyone must play their role”

Our Objectives

To provide Eco Friendly solutions to cater to Energy Requirements
To provide Innovative Green Solutions that can blend into existing designs
To play vital role in helping meet local energy demands through renewable solutions
To provide economical backup energy solutions and an alternate source of energy through Solar energy
To develop a brand that would resonate with its clients in the field of renewables
To provide better opportunities to career pursuers in the field of renewable energy

Our Team

Saitej KM

Saitej.K.M is a successful entrepreneur of See Within Healing center and Shwethaashwa Renewables, the firms dedicated to the Transformation of the individual and the planet.

Proprietor of Shwethaashwa Renewables, Mr. Saitej.K.M is a thorough professional with Career expertise in the field of Renewable Sector and with a technical background of Mechanical Engineering supported with Dual master’s degrees in the field of Management.

With a career expertise of executing and spearheading projects worth more than 1MW in a short span of career in the energy sector, has set out on the journey with a dedicated group of passionate professionals to create an impact and value though the projects of Shwethaashwa Renewables.  

Established in the technical field of Renewable Energy Sector, it is the vision of the firm to provide an integrated quality breakthrough that can benefit for transformation and bring about a change that can be measured and visible.

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